3 Things to Consider When Choosing the Location for Your New Hot Tub
Posted on: 8 May 2019
If you have decided to add a hot tub to your home this spring, you need to decide where to put your new spa. Your new spa location is very important, as you want the location to be both functional and usable. There are various factors you need to consider as you determine where the spa should go.
#1 How Will You Use the Spa
First, consider how you intend to use the spa. Do you want the spa to provide you with some solitude and peace? Do you want to use the spa for hydrotherapy benefits? Or is your new hot tub more about hanging out with friends and socializing?
If your hot tub is more about privacy and health, you may want to locate it somewhere in your yard where it is a little more hidden to create privacy. If you have a naturally secluded area of your yard, that may be a good place for your spa. If you don't have a naturally secluded area, think about where you can create one with plants or with privacy screens.
If your hot tub is more about having fun, you may want it closer to other "fun" areas in your backyard, such as your patio. You want your tub to be located somewhere open, so that people can hang around both inside and outside the yard for socialization.
How you want to use the tub can really impact the type of environment you want to set up around your hot tub. Think carefully about your real plans and motivations for using the tub.
#2 Where Is the Sun in Your Yard
Second, you need to think about how nature will impact where your spa is placed. Although many people associate using a hot tub as an evening activity, you can use your hot tub in the morning or afternoon.
If you think you will use your hot tub more in the morning or afternoon, you are going to want to think about where the sun is at. Track the path of the sun and see where it hits in your yard. You will want to place your tub somewhere where the sun will not get in your eyes or impede your comfort when using the spa in the morning or evening hours.
#3 Ability to Hop in and Out of the Tub
How easily you can hop into a tub is really important. You need to think about how easy it will be to get in and out of the tub. Many factors come into play here. For example, can you get in and out of the tub without your neighbors seeing your activity? Can you get in and out of the tub without slipping and falling in all weather conditions? You should be able to get in and out of the tub and into your home quickly, which can be nice when it's cold outside. Seriously consider how the tub placement will impact your ability to get in and out of the tub.
When choosing the right location for your new hot tub, carefully consider how you want to use the tub, how easy it will be to get in and out of the tub, and how the sun will impact your ability to comfortably use your tub when deciding where it will go in your yard. Thinking about these factors will help ensure you choose the best location for your tub.